NHS Digital has launched a consultation on its Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England (SDD) survey, to see if it can be improved and to help design future surveys.
The biannual survey is designed to monitor smoking, drinking and drug use among secondary school pupils aged 11 to 15. NHS Digital is reviewing its content and consulting users to make sure it is still relevant and meets users’ needs.
Each survey currently includes core questions on:
- Pupils’ experience of smoking, drinking and drug use
- Consumption of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks in the last week
- Awareness and availability of specific named drugs
Half the pupils are then asked additional questions on smoking and drinking, and the other half asked about drug use – including where pupils get cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, and their attitudes (and those of their families) to smoking, drinking and drug taking. The consultation will help NHS Digital to determine what information on smoking, drinking and drug use among young people they collect in future and how they report it.
The consultation closes on 30 January 2018. There is more information on the NHS Digital website, including guidance on submitting combined responses from organisations or user groups.