Terms and conditions

Site content

Unless stated to the contrary, all material on this website is copyright of the UK Data Service, the University of Essex, the University of Manchester and Jisc.

Duplication or sale of all or any part of it is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated for personal research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. Some of our research data management (RDM) presentations and exercises are licensed under a Creative Commons license: (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)), these are clearly identified on the materials and we are happy for these to be reused or repurposed by others for their own RDM training. Permission for any other use must be obtained from the UK Data Service. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise, to any third party.


The UK Data Service makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content of its website is accurate and up to date, but can accept no responsibility for omissions, errors or subsequent changes.

The UK Data Service, the University of Essex, the University of Manchester and Jisc accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any use of the information or material contained on this website, or any site accessed from this site.

Accessing data conditions

All users are required to agree the terms and conditions of use of data.

Open data do not require users to be registered with the UK Data Service but may be subject to an Open Government Licence (OGL) or a Creative Commons Licence (CC).

Safeguarded and controlled data require users to be registered with the UK Data Service. Users who register have to accept our End User Licence (EUL) which is agreed to during the registration process.

Access Level Access conditions Who can access?
Open Open data - open license


Safeguarded End user licence (EUL)

Anyone (once registered)

Special conditions

Registered users

  • Accept special conditions
Depositor permission

Registered users

  • Request (and await) depositor permission
Special licence

Registered users

  • Complete application
  • Request (and await) depositor permission
  • Not available for commercial use
Controlled SecureLab access (remote) or safe room access (on site)

Registered users (must be researchers)

  • Request (and await) researcher approval
  • Request (and await) project approval
  • Obtain legal agreement from researcher’s institution
  • Undergo training
  • Pass test

Terms and conditions of access

Find out more about our access conditions