The ADR conference is a growing annual event aimed at researchers who use administrative data
to better understand populations and societies.
Please note that the call for abstracts is fast approaching as we are inviting 200-word abstracts to be submitted by 7 March 2018. Abstracts may be submitted for either presentations and/or posters via EasyChair.
This year’s conference will focus on four substantive themes reflecting core societal challenges:
- Children and Education: This theme covers research that examines the social and economic issues that determine educational, skills, well-being, and other outcomes for children as they reach adulthood and beyond.
- The World of Work: This theme focusses on the labour market experience of those in, and out, of work.
- Growing Old: This theme examines the social and economic issues for individuals, and for society and the economy, as people transition through the period leading up to and beyond retirement.
- Health and Wellbeing: This theme focuses on health and well-being across the life-course as an outcome of or a predictor of other socioeconomic states and trajectories. Research that considers either mental or physical health, or the relationship between them, will be in scope.
And two streams on methodology:
- Methodological Challenges and Innovations: In this theme we are interested in research utilising or developing cutting edge methodology including quasi-experimental design approaches, regression discontinuity, sibling studies, and instrumental variables.
- Engagement and co-design: This theme covers research with methodologies using models of co-production: integrated multi-stakeholder research teams with academia or government, members of the public and/or VCSE representatives.
The Keynote speaker is Dr. Michael Schull, President and CEO of the Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences (ICES) in Ontario, Canada. ICES is a not-for-profit research institute encompassing a community of research, data and clinical experts, and a secure and accessible array of Ontario’s health-related data. With 25-years experience, ICES is recognised as an international leader in maintaining the privacy and security of health information.
The conference registration fee is £155 and includes the following for both days: tea/coffee refreshments and conference lunches.
You can register by visiting the website. Visit for conference details and to stay up to date with the latest news follow #2018ADR on Twitter.
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