The following new datasets have been released:
SN 9010 Annual Population Survey, July 2021 – June 2022
SN 9006 Annual Population Survey Three-Year Pooled Dataset, January 2019 – December 2021
SN 855901 Baseline Evaluation of Aarambha Project: Cohort III, 2021
SN 855947 Ethnic Minority Voters in 2019: Brexitland, or Business as Usual, 2020
SN 855953 Transcripts From Semi-Structured Interviews Conducted for a Situational Analysis, 2020
The following new editions have been released:
SN 7483 Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Rounds 1-5 Constructed Files, 2002-2016
SN 6702 Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey, 2000-2022: Secure Access
Our data catalogue provides access to order or to view further information on these data collections, or for access to the whole collection.
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