The following new datasets have been released:
SN 9149 All Change? Changes in Travel Behaviour During COVID-19 Pandemic, Waves 1-6, 2020-2021
SN 854471 The Touch Test: Attitudes Towards and Experiences of Touch, 2020
SN 856694 Evidence of Universal Language Structure From Speakers Whose Language Violates It, 2017-2022
SN 855021 Discussing Abstract Ideas in Schizophrenia Corpus, 2017-2023
The following new editions have been released:
SN 8807 Monthly Business Survey for Construction and Allied Trades, 2010-2021: Secure Access
SN 9068 HMIP Prisoner Survey: Adults in England and Wales, 2000-2023: Special Licence Access
SN 6727 Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 1992-2023: Secure Access
Our data catalogue provides access to order, or to view further information on these data collections, or for access to the whole collection.
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