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Latest data collections and new editions 17 September 2024

An update of our latest data releases.

The following new studies have been released:

SN 9299 Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence: Bangladesh Chittagong and Sylhet Round 2, 2022

SN 9301 Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July – December, 2023

SN 9302 Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April – September, 2023

SN 9307 Annual Population Survey, July 2023 – June 2024

SN 9303 Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Household Dataset, April – June, 2024

SN 9298 Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, January – June, 2024

SN 9297 Quarterly Labour Force Survey, April – June, 2024

SN 857348 Attitude Towards Crime and Punishment in England and Wales, 1965-2023

SN 857074 Wukro WASH Household Survey, 2019

SN 857330 Semi-Structured Interviews With Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young Individuals Exploring the Experience of Romantic Relationships and Sexuality Education, 2021-2022

SN 856742 Human Rights Big Data and Technology: Digital Policing and Human Rights, 2023

SN 855937 An Exploration of How University Lecturers Construct Their Knowledge of Information and Digital Literacy: Workshop and Interview Data: 2018-2020

SN 857295 E-Drone: Interviews With NHS Practitioners About Logistics Drone Use in the NHS, 2022

SN 857357 Safe, Inclusive, Participative Pedagogy: Interviews with Parents or Responsible Adults in Rocinha, 2021-2022

SN 857356 Safe, Inclusive, Participative Pedagogy: Interviews with Key Community Respondents in Rocinha, 2021-2022

SN 857352 Public Perceptions of Heat Decarbonisation in Great Britain: Awareness, Values and the Social Circle Effect, 2023

SN 857347 Cross-Sectional Survey Data To Assess the Socio-Economic Impact of Solar Mini-Grid Electrification in Rural Off-Grid Ethiopia, 2022-2023

SN 857342 Assessment of Pitman Model Capabilities in Modelling Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Lake Sibaya Catchment, South Africa, 2020-2022

SN 857341 Optimizing Water Resources Allocation Under Climate Change Scenarios: A Case of Great Ruaha River Subbasin, Tanzania, 2021

SN 857339 Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Processes in Usangu Catchment of Tanzania, 2020

SN 857337 REACH Dhaka WASH Household Survey, 2017-2018

SN 857333 Willingness to Boycott Russian Goods in China: How Political Ideology Shapes Consumer Preferences in an Authoritarian Context, 2022

SN 857329 Identifying Students with Dyslexia: Exploration of Current Assessment Methods, 2023

SN 857278 Exploring if Partial and Distributed Tests Enhance New Learning, 2020-2024

SN 857247 Development of Rapid Diagnostic Devices for Livestock, 2018-2019

SN 855914 Rethinking Place Branding Governance: A Multiple Actor Study of a Medium Sized UK City, 2021

SN 855975 Skills Acquisition and Employability Through Volunteering by Displaced Youth in Uganda, 2019-2022

SN 855195 Interviews with Firms and Other Key Stakeholders in the Agro-Processing Sectors of South Africa and Tanzania, 2019-2020

SN 857346 Ethnographic Research on Reusable Packaging, 2023-24

SN 857166 Transcript Qualitative Interview Data Collected From Approved Premises Residents, 2022

SN 856913 Investigating Children’s Attitudes and Learning About Soil Invertebrates, 2022-2023

SN 857389 Net Zero Policy Support Survey, 2023

SN 857285 Care-Experienced Graduates Decision-Making, Choices, and Destinations, 2021-2024

SN 855178 UK Attitudes Towards Personal Data Stores and Control Over Personal Data, 2021

SN 853792 Reading the riots: interviews with people involved in the London riots 2011

SN 857393 Water Quality Model Outputs for an Urban River in Birmingham, 2013-2014

SN 856987 Quantifying Language Experience in Bilingual and Trilingual children, 2020-2022

The following new editions have been released:

SN 9296 Scottish Social Attitudes, 2021-2022: Telephone Survey

SN 5340 National Travel Survey, 2002-2023

SN 8656 Next Steps: Sweeps 1-9, 2004-2023: Secure Access

SN 5545 Next Steps: Sweeps 1-9, 2004-2023

SN 8653 Business Insights and Conditions Survey: Waves 1-111, 2020-2024: Secure Access

SN 9128 Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2020: Special Licence Access

SN 8815 Food and You 2: Waves 1-7, 2020-2023: Special Licence Access

SN 9028 Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April – September, 2022

SN 9204 Online Time Use Survey, 2020-2024: Secure Access

SN 8814 Food and You 2: Waves 1-7, 2020-2023

SN 8997 Homelessness Case Level Information Collection, 2019-2022: Secure Access

SN 8733 1970 British Cohort Study: Linked Health Administrative Datasets (Hospital Episode Statistics), England, 1997-2022: Secure Access

SN 6702 Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey, 2000-2024: Secure Access

Consult our data catalogue for access to order, to view further information on these data collections, or for access to the whole collection.