These are extraordinary times and we appreciate that organisations and families across the country are facing unprecedented challenges and uncertainty.
Here at the UK Data Service, we would like to reassure you that we are doing all we can to look after our own staff and colleagues and, in turn, continue to support the researchers, students and data controllers who use our service.
Over the years, our user community and the data collections we provide access to, have always been our priority and we intend to continue to ensure you can access or deposit the data you need to, the training we provide, as well as all our additional services, during this difficult time.
At present, we are unable to respond to each and every email that users send us, so please look out for the emails we send you directly, and check our specific Covid-19 update page before trying to contact the Service with any queries.
Working extra hours to deliver the same level of service
We continue to be committed to providing the best possible service and behind the scenes at the UK Data Service, our staff have been working extra hours to put in place the technology, processes and communications to ensure this is the case.
Not only will this empower our users to access more training, conference events and guidance online, it also enables all our own people to work remotely and avoid coming into the office unless absolutely necessary. Our calendar of online training events provides more details.
If further alterations become necessary as time goes on, we will keep you notified on the Covid-19 update page.
While we are confident we will offer users as high a service as usual, there may be the odd teething problem during this ‘new normal’, so you might need to be patient with us at times.
We are really proud of the way the UK Data Service team is pulling together to continue to deliver a seamless service to our user community.