Integrating and analysing multiple datasets
This course, jointly organised by NCRM and the UK Data Service, will introduce participants to the complexities of analysing
data from multiple sources. It will cover issues of data quality,
cleaning, derivation and linkage.
The increasing availability
of data on all aspects of modern life - whether such data be open,
archived or proprietary - has started to open up the possibility of
drawing on multiple datasets to solve analytical problems.
to know the data available is a fundamental step in data analysis. Not
only does it allow us to know what they contain, their scope and shape,
but also provides insights about the quality, format and other potential
issues that affect the usability of the data. This is especially
important when working with data from different sources, where
inconsistencies between the different sources are more prone to occur,
presenting problems with merging or linking the datasets together.
The workshop will enable participants to:
- Produce data descriptions and summaries to understand the data
- Use statistical tools to clean and manipulate data
- Integrate relational data
- Identify and handle missing data
- Visualise data and explore patterns
- Improve their interdisciplinary team working skills
All sessions will include a mixture of presentations and hands-on practical activities. All of the practical exercises will be done using R Studio. These practical sessions will give participants the opportunity to apply the main concepts discussed in the lectures to real-world data.
- Ana Ivon Morales Gomez, UK Data Service, University of Manchester
- Mark Elliot, University of Manchester
- UK registered postgraduate students £60.00
- Staff at UK academic institutions, ESRC-funded researchers, and registered charity organisations £120.00
- All other participants £440.00
Introduction to R webinar (optional)
course will be taught using R. For those with no prior experience of R,
an introductory webinar will be available from the UK Data Service on
Thursday 5 September from 15:00 - 16:00 BST. A private link to the
webinar will be sent to all participants to register if you wish to