The ONS Research Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding innovative research carried out using controlled data provided by the Office for National Statistics.
To be eligible for entry, your research should:
- Have research outcomes made publicly available between July 2019 and July 2020; this can include new analysis, outcomes, impacts or benefits from previously published research.
- Feature analysis that has used ONS Secure Access data through an approved legal gateway, such as the ONS Approved Researcher scheme.
- Show innovative use (including in combination with other data sources and new methodologies), analysis or evaluation of the research data and outputs.
- Demonstrate collaboration with partners inside and outside the organisation, where appropriate, to gain insight and inform research methodologies, interpretation, outcomes and dissemination.
- Deliver research outcomes that are engaging and disseminated to others, including those in non-analytical professions, to help ensure the findings are clear, helpful, understood, accessible and encourage democratic debate.
- Meet a defined user or public need.
The deadline for submission has been extended to 11.55pm on 6 September.
Further details and application packs for the awards are available from the ONS Awards page.
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