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Programme| Presentation: LFS and APS User Update, Debbie Curtis| Presentation: Increasing frequency and improving timeliness of estimates from the UK Labour Force Survey, Duncan Elliott| Presentation: The wage impacts of over-education in nine major occupation groups in the UK, Anh Dang| Presentation: University Selectivity and the Relative Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from the UK, Ian Walker and Yu Zhu| Presentation: Earnings and Low Pay Distributions and Estimates from the Labour Force Survey, Ellys Monahan| Presentation: Can social inequalities explain differences in smoking prevalence by wellbeing measures? Marie Horton| Presentation: The Well-being of Doctors and their Labour Supply, Alberto Nunez and Ian Walker| Presentation: Trade Union Membership Among the Migrant Community, Rhys Davies| Presentation: ONS’s Data Collection Programme: What does it mean for Labour Market data? Ian O’Sullivan and Andrew Phelps