Webinar: Introduction to the Understanding Society/BHPS Harmonised data
This free webinar is for anyone with an interest in understanding and using the recently released harmonised Understanding Society and BHPS data which now covers 25 years of longitudinal data.
This is a joint webinar between the UK Data Service and Understanding Society/The Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) presented by Deborah Wiltshire and Laura Fumagalli who
will give an introduction to accessing and using the harmonised data with
examples of what research can be undertaken and the benefits it can bring to
your research. The webinar will also point researchers to useful resources, and
where to go for help.
The webinar will consist of a 40 minute presentation, followed by 20 minutes for questions.
Level: Introductory
Experience/Knowledge required: A basic knowledge of Understanding Society and the BHPS would be helpful
Target audience: Anyone with an interest in using longitudinal data and in using these survey datasets in particular