The following new datasets have been released:
SN 9022 Living Costs and Food Survey, 2020-2021
SN 856047 Perception Spillover From Fracking, 2022
SN 855300 Ladcultures: Social Networking Sites, ‘Laddism’ and Young Masculinities, 2020-2021
SN 856032 Data on Medication Adherence in Adults with Neurological Disorders: The NeuroGerAd Study, 2019-2020
SN 856037 The Impact of Labels and Advertisements in Motivation for Bottled Water
SN 856040 Sharing Our Stories: Experiences of Sibling Bereavement, 2020-2022
SN 856056 University Environment Classification, 2018-2012
SN 855394 Attaining Sustainable Services From Ecosystems Through Trade-Off Scenarios, Peru, 2015
SN 855395 Attaining Sustainable Services From Ecosystems Through Trade-Off Scenarios, Colombia, 2013-2014
SN 855396 Attaining Sustainable Services from Ecosystems through Trade-off Scenarios, Malawi, 2012-2016
SN 855905 Experiences of Potential Cancer Symptom and Help Seeking during the UK COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021
The following new editions have been released:
SN 6689 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 1997-2022: Secure Access
SN 8666 Smart Energy Research Lab Observatory Data, 2019-2022: Secure Access
SN 8910 National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify Statistics, 2014-2022