Event resources
Recording: Research talks and plenary session
Presentation slides: Surveys Branch Developments and Publications, Mark Vaughan, Natalie Lloyd, Joanne Burrage, and Kiran Mirza
Presentation slides: Developments in FRS fieldwork during 21/22, Liz Hargreaves, Laura Keyse, and Mhairi Brown
Presentation slides: Improving the coherence of GSS Income and Earnings Statistics, Ainslie Woods
Presentation slides: Assessing earnings and income data from a short web survey, Paul Fisher
Presentation slides: Differences in measures of family poverty and their association with educational outcomes, Pauline Brown
Presentation slides: Estimating Neighbourhood Greenhouse Gas Emissions using the Living Costs and Food Survey, Lena Kilian
Presentation slides: Gender equality within the household: earnings, benefits and income sharing among couples with children in the United Kingdom, Susan Harkness [Please note the findings in this presentation are preliminary and not for citation without permission.]
Presentation slides: Families of children with disabilities: income poverty, material deprivation and unpaid care in the UK, Ana Nicoriciu
Presentation slides: Whatever happened to the Child Trust Fund? The abandonment of universal savings for UK children, Lin Tian
Presentation slides: Intergenerational transfers and life events, Bee Boileau