Welcome to the UK Data Service

Trusted access and training to use the UK's largest collection of economic, population and social research data for teaching, learning and public benefit.

Scheduled maintenance will be taking place on 27 July 08.00 to 13.00 (BST). There may be a disruption to service during this time.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.


In this issue an OBE for Professor Matthew Woollard, a recap on Poverty in Data impact event, our new Data Skills Framework plus summer events and more.

We’re delighted for Professor Matthew Woollard, who served as Director of the UK Data Service and UK Data Archive from 2010 to 2023.

Citing a dataset correctly is just as important as citing articles, books, images and websites. Each dataset is a source of evidence to support your argument and should be properly credited.

Our impact

Poverty in Data took place from April 23 -25. You can find videos from all the sessions and other resources here.

We are delighted to introduce the 2023 cohort of Data Impact Fellows. Read more about them in this Data Impact blog post.

How is the UK Data Service collection impacting research, policy and interventions in combating poverty?

Seamless access to key data: explore by themes, types, and teaching datasets

Discover a wide array of national and international key datasets across various categories.

A laptop being used.

Watch our data skills training webinars

Watch and learn all the latest data skills from our free webinars, training and video tutorials.

We explore the key components of effective research data management and also cover practical tools and techniques.

We discuss computational social science, what it is good for, how to become a computational social scientist, and the basic steps to follow.

Ignite discovery: elevate your research with data deposits

Deposit your research data free, in our ESRC funded data catalogue.

Latest news

The UK Data Service is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s UK Data Service Dissertation Award. The award celebrates undergraduate dissertations based on the use of archived data available through the UK Data Service. This year, Alex Bryson, Professor of Quantitative Social Science at UCL’s Social Research Institute, and Paula Surridge, Professor of Political […]

The results of the latest GP Patient Survey are now available via the GP Patient Survey website. The GP Patient Survey is a large-scale push-to-web survey run by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England. This year the survey received responses from around 700,000 adults in England. The latest data are from the 2024 publication, fieldwork […]

Research from Understanding Society has been used to create a dataset that mimics the adult population in England, Scotland, and Wales, allowing researchers to model the potential impact of health interventions and policies. This dataset is now available in the UK Data Service’s collection. What is the project about? We know that the conditions in […]

Who makes us special?

Our podcast series, The Experts’ Expert, showcases some of the unique work we do to enable evidence-led research for public benefit.

silver microphone and headphones