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Programme| Presentation: Update on the Family Resources Survey and HBAI, and Income Dynamics, Kyle Robertson, Jacob Hamblin-Pyke, Neil Sorensen and Helen Smith| Presentation: ONS’ Household Finance Statistics, Sean White and Carla Kidd| Presentation: Occupational membership, peer effects, and conspicuous consumption: an analysis of the UK Living Costs and Food Survey, Karina Pavlisa| Presentation: Young British adults’ homeownership circumstances and the role of intergenerational transfers, Ellie Suh| Presentation: Modelling errors in survey and administrative data on employment earnings: sensitivity to the fraction assumed to have error-free earnings, Stephen Jenkins| Presentation: The Understanding Society COVID-19 Web Survey, Paul Fisher| Presentation: Reporting the effect of coronavirus on household finances: Evidence from a range of surveys, both old and new, Andrew Banks