Event resources
Programme| Research paper abstracts| Presentation: CSEW: update, latest data and findings, Shannan Child| Presentation: The socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence in England and Wales, Lucy Bryant and Carly Lightowlers| Presentation: The Data First programme and opportunities for criminological and criminal justice research, Andromachi Tseloni| Presentation: The Commercial Victimisation Survey (CVS) Home Office update, Sarah Osborne| Presentation: Rethinking the impact of crimes against businesses through the analysis of Commercial Victimisation Survey data, Matt Hopkins| Presentation: Crime mapping and the dark figure of crime: Assessing the impact of police data bias on maps of crime produced at different spatial scales, Angelo Moretti| Presentation: The impact of measurement error in police crime records, Jose Pina-Sánchez| Presentation: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) update, Anna Saunders and Katrina Caldwell| Presentation: Inequality in victimization trends in Scotland 2008/09-2017/18, Ben Matthews| Presentation: Differences in Assault Victimisation Incidence in England and Wales Prior and During the Crime-Drop Era, Eleftherios Nomikos| Presentation: Political socialization: Analyzing age, period and cohort effects on worry about crime and disorder, Emily Gray| Presentation: Does homeownership reduce crime? A radical housing reform from the UK, Matteo Sandi