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Call for papers: Crime Surveys User Conference 2019
Submissions are now open for the Crime Surveys User Conference 2019.

New teaching resource: Quantitative methods e-books
For direct use in teaching students or for self-study at an undergraduate level.

Vacancy: Communications, Engagement and Training Co-ordinator, UK Data Archive
We are seeking a Communications, Engagement and Training Co-ordinator to join our Communications and Engagement team at the UK Data Archive, University of Essex.

Call for papers: Labour Force and Annual Population Surveys User Conference 2019
Submissions are now open for the Labour Force and Annual Population Surveys User Conference 2019.

Vacancy: Hadoop Systems Engineer, UK Data Archive
The UK Data Archive are looking to recruit a Hadoop Systems Engineer.

UK Data Archive diversifies into big energy data
The Smart Energy Research Lab (SERL) lifts off in August as it invites 18,000 households across the UK to share gas and electricity data from their smart meters.

Vacancies: Data Access and Use Assistant, Senior User Support and Training Officer, Web Developer.
The UK Data Archive is looking to recruit a Data Access and Use Assistant, a Senior User Support and Training Officer, and a Web Developer.

July 2019 UK Data Service newsletter
The spring/summer edition of the UK Data Service newsletter is now available.

DWP emails – please update your subscription details
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has changed its email addresses, so staff at DWP will need to update their user details and subscription to our mailing lists.

Latest GP Patient Survey now available
The results of the latest GP Patient Survey are now available via the GP Patient Survey website.

FAIRsFAIR initiative to develop European research infrastructure
A new initiative will develop an overall knowledge infrastructure for academic quality data management based on the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.

Participants needed – user experience research – data related training materials
The UK Data Service is looking for people who have some experience using social, economic or population data – with any level of experience.