Event resources
Programme| Research paper abstracts| Presentation: LFS and APS User Update, Martina Helme| Presentation: The job quality of key worker employees: Analysis of the Labour Force Survey, Matt Barnes, Nhlanhla Ndebele and Eric Harrison| Presentation: Labour Markets in the Time of Coronavirus: Measuring Excess, Jonathan Wadsworth| Presentation: Labour Market Survey Progress Update, Ian O’ Sullivan| Presentation: Onset of limiting illness and recovery from limiting illness; characteristics of illness dynamics from the Annual Population Survey: Jan. to Dec. 2017, Tom Hennell, Matt Hennessy, James Parry| Presentation: To what degree? Recovering changes in the UKís graduate Skill Distribution, Max Schroeder| Presentation: How does the return to a degree vary by class of award? Tej Nathwani| Presentation: Is the social origin pay gap bigger than we thought? Kristinn Hermannsson, Michael Vallely and Jeanette Findlay| Discussion group 1: Reflections on ONS LFS data collection transformation, Andrew Phelps and Colin Beavan-Seymour| Discussion group 2: LFS and COVID, Martina Helme| Discussion group 2: LFS and COVID summary, Sarah King-Hele| Discussion group 3: Analysis and training needs, Jen Buckley| Recording (PowerPoint): The job quality of key worker employees: Analysis of the Labour Force Survey, Matt Barnes, Nhlanhla Ndebele and Eric Harrison