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Census still offers valuable data, says UK Data Services’ Census Director
The UK census offers researchers unique data about the UK population that can’t currently be derived from other government sources, says Dr Oliver Duke-Williams, Service Director for the Census at the UK Data Service.

Call for papers: Health Studies User Conference 2020
The Health Studies User Conference has moved online and the deadline has been extended

Webinar series: getting data, storing data, manipulating data
This series of webinars will cover ways of dealing with data issues using both familiar software tools such as Excel and others that you may be aware of but may not have had any direct experience of.

Complete our survey on how we can best support 2021 Census data users
We would like to invite you to complete a survey to give us your views on how we can best support 2021 Census data users.

February 2020 UK Data Service newsletter
The winter edition of the UK Data Service newsletter is now available. The latest edition covers activities from the last six months and includes information on our new teaching resources and research tools.

Webinar series about data for research
The ESRC’s funded data resources will run a series of collaborative webinars highlighting the wide range of data sources ready to be explored and utilised by researchers and academics

Complete our survey and help us help researchers
Here at the UK Data Service we are seeking user feedback as part of a programme of continual improvement.

New edition of ‘Managing and Sharing Research Data’ – out now
A second edition of Managing and Sharing Research Data is now available for postgraduate students and researchers looking to build their data management skills.

UK Data Service reaffirms commitment to European partners after Brexit
With Brexit now here, the UK Data Service has reaffirmed its commitment to working with its partners in Europe.

Vacancies: Web Developer and Data Access (Secure) Services Assistant
We are recruiting for two posts at the UK Data Archive, University of Essex.

Vacancies: Senior Research Data Officer and Open Source Tools Data Software Engineer
We are recruiting for two posts at the UK Data Archive, University of Essex.

Vacancies: Applications Development and Maintenance Manager, Web Developer, Open Source Tools Data Software Engineer
We are advertising a post for a manager and two supporting roles.