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Understanding Society and UK Data Service launch new teaching dataset
Understanding Society and the UK Data Service have launched a teaching dataset to give students a foundation in using longitudinal data for research.

UK Data Service 2017-18 annual report released
The 2017-18 UK Data Service annual report is now available.

Celebrating International Archives Week
It’s International Archives Week from 3-9 June, on the theme of ‘designing archives in the 21st century’, looking at how archives can “deliver benefits to citizens, customers, stakeholders and communities”.

Vacancy: Web Developer, UK Data Archive
We are seeking to appoint a Web Developer to work at the UK Data Archive.

Data Impact Fellows for 2019 announced
The Data Impact Fellows programme is designed to support the use of UK Data Service data and resources by new generations of researchers and analysts working in the academic sector and, for the first time, in UK registered charities.

May is National Walking Month
National Walking Month is a campaign organised by the Living Streets charity to promote the benefits of walking. It’s one of the easiest ways to be more active, lose weight and become healthier – and the month includes Walk to School Week (20-24 May).

Vacancy: Census Service Director, Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research
We are seeking a Census Service Director to join our Census team at the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, Manchester.

Call for papers: Family Finance Surveys User Conference 2019
Do you use UK family finance surveys from the UK Data Service for your research? We are now looking for submissions for the Family Finance Surveys User Conference 2019.

International Women’s Day – the better the balance, the better the world
It’s International Women’s Day, so we thought we’d take a look at how the employment rate, conditions and the gender pay gap have changed for women across time.

Call for papers: Health Studies User Conference 2019
Do you use UK quantitative studies from the UK Data Service for health-related research? We are now looking for submissions for the Health Studies User Conference 2019.

February 2019 UK Data Service newsletter
The Autumn/Winter edition of the UK Data Service newsletter is now available.

ESRC Data Resources – webinar series
The ESRC-funded data resources are running a series of collaborative webinars highlighting the wide range of data sources ready and waiting to be explored and used by researchers and academics.