Deposit data
Why should I deposit data with the UK Data Service?
Whether looking to deposit individual postgraduate research data or curated national data collections, deposit your data in the UK’s largest repository for quantitative and qualitative social science and humanities research data.
- No costs associated with depositing.
- An online platform for creating, uploading, and managing deposits.
- A three-tier licensing framework facilitating a robust access policy.
- Data management guidance and support provided to ensure legal sharing and re-use.
- Controlled access to sensitive or confidential data through the Five Safes framework.
- Resource discovery and citation supported with persistent identifiers (DOIs).
- New deposits promoted to national and international researchers via newsletters, partner archives and research organisations.
- De-identified study level metrics provided for funding proposals or extensions.
Hear from data depositors
Data created or generated during research or administrative processes are valuable resources that can be used and reused for future scientific and educational purposes.
"Understanding Society currently has 23,400 users. It’s absolutely essential to have the UK Data Service ensure that such a wide range of people, mainly in the UK, but also internationally, can use the data."
New to depositing data
Create an account to deposit data with the UK Data Service
Deposit in our curated repository
If you are depositing large-scale data from government departments and public bodies or larger research organisations
Self-deposit in ReShare
If you are an ESRC grant holder or depositing data or data descriptors used in a data paper or a peer-reviewed journal
Free guidance and training webinars
New to collecting and depositing data? Attend one of our free training events on research data management
Manage and share data
Data sharing is increasingly encouraged or required by research funders and journal publishers
ESRC grant holders
All ESRC grant holders are contractually obliged to offer their data for deposit with a responsible digital repository within three months of the end of their grant
Get in touch
Contact our Collections Development team with any questions about depositing data with the UK Data Service not covered in our Help pages.
Contact our ReShare team with specific questions about the UK Data Service self-deposit repository ReShare.
More resources
We are continually working to improve the UK Data Service and want to hear from you.
Please email us to help improve the website and services we provide.
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