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Programme| Presentation: Overview of cross-sectional health surveys, Anne Conolly| Presentation (panel session): NHS Digital and the emerging data access landscape for health research, Garry Coleman| Presentation (panel session): Gillian Prior| Presentation (panel session): Vanessa Higgins and Louise Corti| Presentation (panel session): Nicola Shelton| Presentation: Graphic Images in Addition to Text Information as a Means of Discouraging Unhealthy Behaviour, Daryn Park| Presentation: An exploration of fruit and vegetable consumption patterns in England using the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, Monique Campbell| Presentation: Trends in non-suicidal self-harm prevalence, motivations, methods, and service contact in England 2000-2014: repeated cross-sectional surveys of the general population, Sally McManus| Presentation: The association of minority sexual group with adverse mental health outcomes: analysis of national English household cross-sectional data from 2007 and 2014, Louise Marston| Presentation: The Mental Health of Children and Young People Survey, 2017: Overview of Trends and Key Findings, Dhriti Mandalia| Presentation: Update on the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), Bruno Pacchiotti| Presentation: CLS cohort studies, David Bann| Presentation: Age discrimination, health and wellbeing in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Sarah Jackson| Presentation: Reading for pleasure and child maladjustment: A longitudinal propensity score matching analysis of a population-based cohort study, Hei Wan (Karen) Mak