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Case studies
Environment and sustainability
How can the impact of domestic energy efficiency policies in the UK be maximised?
Sick and stuck at home? Does living with health challenges influence people’s energy use?
Tracking progress on health and climate change: Creating health and climate change indicators for The Lancet Countdown
Legal and ethical challenges surrounding big data: energy data
Health and wellbeing
Food and You 2: the official statistics survey of consumers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to food.
The Good Childhood Report 2023: How can the damaging decline in children’s wellbeing be overturned?
Effect of a Low-Intensity PSA-Based Screening Intervention on Prostate Cancer Mortality – University of Bristol
Assessing progress in protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke
Social policy and communities
The impacts of poverty on children’s social, emotional and behavioural outcomes.
The health case for Basic Income
The Homelessness Monitor and Homelessness Projections
Enhancing understanding of the socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour in England and Wales